How is Massa building a fully on-chain Decentralized Web?

Massa Labs
5 min readAug 7, 2024



Today, Web3 hacks are costing millions of dollars to DeFi protocols and creating many unhappy customers. The problem is that Web3 still relies on Web2 technologies, i.e., centralized service providers who control website hosting, DNS resolution, and all the other gears necessary to make the World Wide Web go round.

Centralized web

As you may have guessed by now, Massa is aiming to fix some of these Web3 problems with their very own Decentralized Web. This project has been one of our main goals since we first mentioned it in our white paper, and we’re glad to finally give our community, as well as newcomers, some insight into the project.

In this article, we’ll explore what Massa’s Decentralized Web is offering in order to build a fully decentralized, 100% on-chain, censorship-resistant, and trusted decentralized web.

What is the DeWeb Going to Look Like?

To paint a clear picture of our vision for this decentralized web, we’re aiming for an easy-to-use solution that doesn’t sacrifice user experience over decentralization, and vice versa.

Decentralized Web Server Providers

We understand that decentralization often comes at the cost of accessibility, which is why one of our first focuses will be to make our solutions as user-friendly as possible while guaranteeing decentralization.

Essentially, users who don’t want to install software on their machines will be able to access the DeWeb by requesting websites from a provider. These providers will act as decentralized web relays.

For example, Massa will be running the first DeWeb instance accessible through the following URL scheme: `https://{massaNameService}.massa.someDnsResolver`.

Accessing the DeWeb through this provider system will guarantee secure HTTPS access to the DeWeb, but at the cost of centralization. Indeed, providers will need to host a DeWeb instance on a VPS, a local machine, or even a Raspberry Pi. Because these providers will be independent of each other, they will have the right to determine a permission-ability level as to which content is served by their instance. Each provider can use the included blocklist/whitelist system to control which decentralized websites they are willing to serve in compliance with their local regulations.

Semi-decentralized web through provider access

Decentralized Web Through Direct Node Access

As stated earlier, decentralization shouldn’t come with a compromised UX. That’s why we’re also going to implement a solution that allows a maximum level of decentralization while retaining a user-friendly approach.

This solution will enable users to install an application that will be directly connected to the blockchain with absolutely no intermediary! On top of it, users will be able to decide which node they want to connect to; so if you’re a node runner, you’ll be able to rely 100% on your infrastructure and nothing else.

This will be done by using the same URL scheme in your browser, but instead of using a provider’s DNS resolution, you will be self-hosted and access DeWeb through your `https://{massaNameService}.massa.localhost`.

Decentralized web through direct node access

If you understood all of that, congratulations! Otherwise, don’t worry, we’re basically saying that no matter what degree of decentralization you want for your web access, we’ll make sure there is a solution for you!

From a user point of view, the DeWeb will be accessible through a dedicated application or by visiting one of the DeWeb providers. You can also choose to contribute to decentralization by becoming a provider!

From a builder’s point of view, it will be possible to upload directly on-chain and manage websites from a CLI (command line interface) or from a user-friendly frontend interface.

So Where Does the Added Value of Massa’s DeWeb Come From?

As mentioned before, we want to solve common Web3 problems such as DNS hijacking, phishing attacks, and all the other issues that make Web3 exploration risky and frustrating. If you just take a look on sites like rekt and web3isgoinggreat, there are so many companies and users affected by these hacks, losing millions of dollars.

Accessing the DeWeb Through MNS

To solve this, Massa’s DeWeb aims to eliminate the need for a DNS server altogether. DNS servers are responsible for handling your request when you’re looking to access “”, and even if these servers are configured to be safe, they remain vulnerable like any other centralized server.

Thus, by eliminating reliance on centralized DNS servers with our on-chain DeWeb node access, Massa is directly protecting the end user from data theft, malware infection, and phishing operations.

Technically, instead of using a DNS, the DeWeb will use Massa Name Service (MNS). These MNS will act as secure entry points to Massa’s DeWeb. They are basically like your traditional DNS but on-chain, optionally immutable, and non-fungible. The only difference is that instead of targeting a server’s IP address (like DNS), they will target a smart contract address that contains all your website files. This means that as a user, what you ask for is what you’re getting! You can forget any risks of compromised front-ends and other dangerous hacks!

Storing Your Websites on Smart Contracts

As you might have guessed by now, your website code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript + support for client side rendering frameworks) will be contained directly on-chain in a smart contract’s data. This brings multiple advantages.

First of all, there will be no need for redundancies in case of attacks. Once your code is uploaded on-chain, it won’t be hacked, be a victim of censorship, or simply disappear like 30% of the web that has already vanished.

For the end user, this also means that websites can be made immutable, meaning that developers won’t be able to change the website’s code, which represents an additional guarantee of safety and transparency.

Of course, not all websites will be made immutable. Developers will have the option to opt-in to this feature or not, but regardless of the choice, users will be informed through a little immutability certificate displayed on screen.

Let’s Wrap This Up!

Thanks for reading until the end of this article! I hope we made it clear that Massa is building tomorrow’s Web3 paradigm with a strong focus on utility, security, and decentralization.

With the DeWeb, front-ends don’t need to be hosted on a server or be trapped into a cloud-based hosting platform. At the same time, our unique on-chain hosting solution will guarantee unprecedented data availability for your websites. There will be no compromised DeFi protocol front-ends, and we’ll be able to guarantee that what you ask for is what you get on Massa’s DeWeb.



Massa Labs | Massa is a truly decentralized blockchain controlled by thousands of people. With our multithreaded technology, we’re set for mass adoption.